Ibstock United Football Club scores funding boost from David Wilson Foundation


Formally known as Ibstock Welfare FC, based at Leicester Road, the Seniors’ Football Club needed new changing facilities in line with league guidelines. They asked to link with the Juniors’ Football Club, at Ashby Road, to develop these facilities and create a pathway for younger players to progress.

A new clubhouse, the David Wilson Clubhouse, was therefore built for the juniors – with support from the David Wilson Foundation and the Football Foundation – which included changing rooms, a function room, kitchen and car park.

But the clubhouse has become much more than just a focus for football. Since the closure of Ibstock Church Hall, the community see it as a new place to meet and socialise. Those already using the building include Leicestershire County Council’s day-group for people with special needs; Ibstock Parish Council for their meetings; the Britain In Bloom Committee; the Knitting Group; and local people for functions such as children’s parties.

Meanwhile, the Juniors’ Football Club has expanded its activities: it now caters for children aged between 5 – 15 years of age and for girls’ football, the fastest growing sport in Britain. The Saturday Morning Mini Dribblers Academy was recently described as the best start Academy for children aged 5 and 6 by the County Football Association.

The new David Wilson Clubhouse has made the Ibstock United Juniors’ Football Club one of the best facilities in Leicestershire for children’s football.

Ibstock United Football Club has received £66,000 from The David Wilson Foundation towards new facilities that will specifically help young people wanting to play football. The donation will enable the club to add new changing rooms to the Ashby Road playing fields and allow more teams – particularly boys, girls and disabled players – to take advantage of the improved facilities.

“I am delighted the Foundation is able to support Ibstock United Football Club with these much-needed facilities which will specifically help young people keen to play football. The opportunity of taking part in sport, particularly by youngsters, is vital for leading a healthy and confident life. Ibstock Football Club is giving young people of all ages and abilities and from many different backgrounds the chance to take up a team sport and really feel the benefits in every aspect of their lives.

"The Club has been badly in need of new facilities for several years and there could be no better way for the Foundation to offer its support than by helping the Club to transform its changing rooms and club building. I am very pleased that the Foundation has been able to assist in this way. The David Wilson Foundation’s backing of this project is magnificent. Lots of effort has gone into bringing this project to fruition by many volunteers, but without the Foundation’s support all those efforts may have been in vain.

David Wilson, founder benefactor of The David Wilson Foundation

“Currently the junior section of Ibstock United caters for approximately 350 children from across a wide area of Leicestershire and from many different backgrounds. The children can start playing at the age of 5 and then progress through to the senior side of the Club. Sport is vital for our local young people: it helps them to keep healthy; teaches them to work as part of a team; and instils their respect for others such as their opponents and the referee.

“The new facilities will greatly enhance the Club. David Wilson’s backing is a massive investment not just in ‘bricks & mortar’ but also in the people of Ibstock and surrounding communities both now and for generations to come. For that he has the admiration of everyone at the Football Club.”

Peter Warren, Chairman of Ibstock United Football Club

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